Idea Puzzle software for research design

    Search ( 7679 research designs ) 
Date Title Confidentiality Author Institution Country
2024-11-11 Performance management system for a standardized and effective social impact measurement scheme Private daniela moldoveanu University of Aveiro Romania
2024-11-09 A better understanding of prescription behaviors to improve the use of antimicrobials in Portugal. Private Joana Osório Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública da Universidade Nova de Lisboa Portugal
2024-11-09 PhD Project Private Joana Osório Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública da Universidade Nova de Lisboa Portugal
2024-11-09 PRODEC Private Artur Castro Portugal, Universidade do Porto: Portugal
2024-11-08 Mesophotic Biodiversity in Santo Antão Island, Cape Verde Private Tristan da Silva e Ornelas University of Aveiro Portugal
2024-11-08 test Private Maria Noá Universidade de Aveiro Portugal
2024-11-08 test Private Maria Noá Universidade de Aveiro Portugal
2024-11-08 test Private Maria Noá Universidade de Aveiro Portugal
2024-11-07 The paper of intrapreneur in exponential technologies adoption Private Javier Cuervo Universidade de Aveiro Portugal
2024-11-07 PhD Private Gonçalo Ribeiro University of Aveiro Portugal
2024-11-07 Test Private BENY RUBINSTEIN Universidade de Aveiro Israel
2024-11-07 The Intrapreneur as a Catalyst for Exponential technology adoption: a framework for integrating AI, omnichannel, and blockchain in corporations Private Javier Cuervo Universidade de Aveiro Portugal
2024-11-07 PhD Private Bruno Silva Universidade de Aveiro Portugal
2024-11-07 PhD Private Mariana Alão Universidade de Aveiro Portugal
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