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'Research design with the Idea Puzzle software' at your university. To date, Ricardo Morais has lectured 385 webinars in 110 universities from 27 countries. On average, the knowledge imparted at the webinar was evaluated 9,5 in 10 by 1608 participants (12% response rate).


The Idea Puzzle software is a decision-making tool that helps PhD candidates improve the coherence of a research proposal, article, or thesis in the light of Philosophy of Science (Morais & Brailsford, 2019). It also helps review the strengths and weaknesses of a research project in any field of knowledge (Parente & Ferro, 2016). To date, it has helped design more than 7000 research projects worldwide.

The Idea Puzzle software poses 21 questions, helps answer them, and allows the self-evaluation of each answer in terms of decision-making status. The help function of the Idea Puzzle software includes examples of research designs in different fields of knowledge that have won the Idea Puzzle Prize as well as definitions, introductions, tips, and bibliography. The output of the Idea Puzzle software is a research design with 21 answers, an overall score, and a coloured jigsaw puzzle of progress that can be shared in PDF or in Word.

In 2023, the Idea Puzzle software was a finalist of the Sage 15K GBP Concept Grant from a total of 89 research software tools. The jury considered the theoretical framework of 21 decisions unique and praised the way the Idea Puzzle software helps PhD candidates design their research. In the same year, Sage Research Methods Community published an article on research design with the Idea Puzzle software (Morais, 2023).

1. Relation between epistemology, methodology, ontology, and axiology
2. Coherence between theory, method, data, rhetoric, and authorship
3. Empirical research as a system of 21 dilemmatic decisions


PhD candidates, doctoral supervisors, and research methods/skills lecturers in any field of knowledge.

Transversal skills

After the webinar, the participants will be able to: a) acknowledge the relation between epistemology, methodology, ontology, and axiology; b) coherently align the theory, method, data, rhetoric, and authorship of a research proposal, article, or thesis with the Idea Puzzle software; and c) review the strengths and weaknesses of an empirical research project in any field of knowledge.


Morais, R. (2023). Philosophy of science and doctoral research design: The case of the Idea Puzzle software. SAGE Research Methods Community, November 10.

Morais, R., & Brailsford, I. (2022). Knowledge visualisation for research design: The case of the Idea Puzzle software at the University of Auckland. In Information Resources Management Association USA (Ed.) Research anthology on innovative research methodologies and utilization across multiple disciplines (pp. 351 - 366). Hershey, PA: IGI Global Publishing.

Parente, C., & Ferro, L. (2016). Idea Puzzle (, created by Ricardo Morais. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 15(3), 643-645.

Morais, R. (2010). Scientific method. In A. Mills, G. Durepos, & E. Wiebe (Eds.) Encyclopedia of case study research (Vol. 2, pp. 840-842), Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.


Ricardo Morais, married and father of three daughters, is Assistant Professor of Management at Católica Porto Business School, and Director of Idea Puzzle. Since 2013, he coordinates the seminar 'How to design your PhD' at the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) in Brussels. He holds a PhD in Strategic Management from the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, having graduated in Management from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Porto. He is also an alumnus of HPI School of Design Thinking in Germany. His research interests are interdisciplinary, including Philosophy of Science, Strategic Management, Design Thinking, and Spirituality in Management. Since 2002, he has published more than 30 academic articles, chapters, and papers about these topics and lectured in 110 universities from 27 countries. He is a member of the Philosophy of Science Association, Strategic Management Society, and Academy of Management.


ChatGPT prompt: what is the Idea Puzzle software? Retrieved on July 24, 2024

By using the Idea Puzzle software, researchers can improve the clarity, coherence, and rigor of their research projects, making it a valuable tool for academic research planning and execution.

Hasok Chang, Hans Rausing Professor of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

Your course certainly constitutes an innovation in the teaching of Philosophy of Science.

Daniela Duca, Head of Product Innovation, SAGE Publishing, United Kingdom 

We love your approach and how the Idea Puzzle software helps students and early career researchers go through the process of developing their research. It aligns well with some of the areas we have been exploring with our Research Planner.