Idea Puzzle software for research design

    Search ( 7474 research designs ) 
Date Title Confidentiality Author Institution Country
2019-04-09 Strategic development opportunities for the international airport Private Štefánia Hrubá EUBA Slovakia
2019-04-09 Strategic development opportunities for the international airport Private Štefánia Hrubá EUBA Slovakia
2019-12-04 EU and good neighbourly relations with focus on the Greater Croatia Private Šimon Staňo Euba Slovakia
2019-12-04 EU and good neighbourly relations with focus on the Greater Croatia Private Šimon Staňo Euba Slovakia
2019-12-31 Italy Private Zuzana Surincikova euba Slovakia
2019-12-31 The inequality in Italy Private Zuzana Surincikova euba Slovakia
2018-11-21 EUBA FYROM GEORGIA Private Zuzana Janechova EUBA Slovakia
2015-11-03 Photovoltaic and thermosolar electricity production systems Private ZULEIKA HOYOS UNIVERSIDADE DE COIMBRA Portugal
2015-11-03 primer expermiemtno Private ZULEIKA HOYOS UNIVERSIDADE DE COIMBRA Portugal
2020-02-24 A geospatial approach for the analysis of susceptibility to road accidents in the city of São Paulo - SP - Brazil Private Zuleide Alves Ferreira Universidade Nova de Lisboa Portugal
2020-02-24 A geospatial approach for the analysis of susceptibility to road accidents in the city of São Paulo - SP - Brazil Private Zuleide Alves Ferreira Universidade Nova de Lisboa Portugal
2020-02-24 A geospatial approach for the analysis of susceptibility to road accidents in the city of São Paulo - SP - Brazil Private Zuleide Alves Ferreira Universidade Nova de Lisboa Portugal
2020-02-24 A geospatial approach for the analysis of susceptibility to road accidents in the city of São Paulo - SP - Brazil Private Zuleide Alves Ferreira Universidade Nova de Lisboa Portugal
2020-02-25 A geospatial approach for the analysis of susceptibility to road accidents in the city of São Paulo - SP - Brazil Private Zuleide Alves Ferreira Universidade Nova de Lisboa Portugal
2020-02-25 A geospatial approach for the analysis of susceptibility to road accidents in the city of São Paulo - SP - Brazil Private Zuleide Alves Ferreira Universidade Nova de Lisboa Portugal
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